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    Des os crus?

    Recreational bones are very good, see necessary for the health of our dogs. Indeed, in addition to being very effective for dental hygiene, chewing is part of the essential needs of our companions in the same way as physical or mental exercise.

    The bones that we prefer for them are those from young animals (lamb, calf for example) and which are non-carrier , that is to say no femur, no marrow (called "soup" in grocery stores. ), nor ribs. These are very hard (risk of dental fractures) and often cut short and thus, the risk of them getting caught in your dog's jaw is possible. The bones donated are therefore those which are more tender and cartilaginous ; vertebrae, hips, knees, etc. If they are not entirely stripped of their meat, ligaments, etc. it's even better! We get them from the local butcher or from suppliers of raw meat for dogs.

    The bones of big game, for example deer, are more difficult to digest by experience here with our dogs. We therefore chose not to give them any. We do not give more than 1 bone of average size per week so as not to unbalance the diet of our coconuts who would end up with too much calcium among other things and could promote constipation. You can spread its offer over several days by putting it back in the freezer without any problem.

    WARNING! When you remove the bone from your dog, take the trouble to offer him something else in exchange (a handful of kibble for example) so that he is not suspicious and comes to develop resource protection. Also having fun "testing" your dog in such a context is a very bad idea. It is important to build a relationship of trust with your dog.

    * Like any toy, we never let our dogs chew on bones unattended.

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